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Abortion EveryDay - The best way to stay informed about issues associated with abortion around the country is Abortion Every Day by Jessica Valenti.
Letters from an American Heather Cox Richardson
Jessica Craven, Chop Wood Carry Water This weekday newsletter gives you easy, effective political actions to take to stave off despair, effect positive change and elect more progressives!
The Surburban Women Problem Red Wine and Blue
Jessica Valenti All things abortion. Feminist commentary and community
Daily Blogs
Melinda French Gates: The Enemies of Progress Play Offense. I Want to Help Even the Match
Decades of research on economics, well-being and governance make it clear that investing in women and girls benefits everyone. We know that economies with women’s full participation have more room to grow. That women’s political participation is associated with decreased corruption. That peace agreements are more durable when women are involved in writing them. That reducing the time women spend in poor health could add as much as $1 trillion to the global economy by 2040.
Episcopalian Bishops Statement on abortion post Dobbs
The 8th traces Ireland’s campaign to remove the 8th Amendment – a constitutional ban on abortion. It shows a country’s transformation from a conservative state in thrall to the Catholic church to a more liberal secular society.
Shot over the past four years by award-winning filmmaker Tracy Droz Tragos, PLAN C is a documentary capturing the work of Plan C (the abortion pill access campaign of the same name) as well as the work of many activists and providers fighting to improve access to abortion pills in the face of crumbling reproductive rights & access across the US.
This documentary is superb, entirely engrossing, and fascinating. It is a window into the past and a look at what could be in the future of illegal abortion. An all-encompassing view of the social issues of our country in the 1960s, it is altogether sad, frightening and empowering! Well worth the 90+ minutes.
The most-need-to-be-seen feature of the year . . . . In this grippingly honest, no-holds-barred film, a 23-year-old lit student seeks an abortion in 1963 France, an act for which she, her doctor, and anyone else who aids her can be sent to prison.
Written and directed by Eliza Hittman, the film is an intimate portrayal of two teenage girls in rural Pennsylvania. Faced with an unintended pregnancy and a lack of local support, Autumn (Sidney Flanigan) and her cousin Skylar (Talia Ryder) embark across state lines to New York City on a fraught journey of friendship, bravery and compassion.
By Adam Schrager: How the Democrats Won Colorado. This inside story of one of the most stunning reversals of political fortune in America history.
How to Rebuild Rural Politics and Why Our Future Depends On IT by Chloe Maxmin and Canyon Woodward
The American Mothers Behind Infant Adoption by Gretchen Sisson