Coloradans demand care without barriers — we've proven it time and time again. As attacks from the federal government and states hostile to reproductive justice grow, Colorado must be committed to protecting our reproductive rights.
Click HERE to support SB25-129 -This bill would protect doctors by excluding their names from a medication abortion label in order to prevent investigations or harassment should their identifying information fall into hostile hands.
The Electing Women Alliance is closing the political gender giving gap by creating vibrant local communities of donors who come together in support of Democratic women running for elected office. We are building a movement of informed, inspired donors empowered to challenge the status quo.
Casual evening including information, inspiration, conversation and sisterhood. Learn more about Electing Women Denver and consider joining the vibrant and welcoming community of women supporting women! Click HERE to RSVP
MEET MIKIE SHERRILL - U.S. Naval Academy graduate, Navy helicopter pilot, former federal prosecutor, congresswoman, ABORTION RIGHTS ACTIVIST wife, and mother of four kids!! Mikie Sherrill is running for New Jersey governor in 2025 and would love your support.
TUESDAY, MARCH 18 6 PM private home address provided upon RSVP. Click HERE to RSVP. Specify event.
In 2022, The Right to Contraception Act — which would override these extremist state bills and protect our right to birth control nationwide — passed the House, despite 195 Republicans voting against it. And then, Republicans blocked it from being voted on in the Senate.
The overwhelming majority of Americans want access to contraception. Tell your senators it's time to stand up for our right to birth control and hold a vote on The Right to Contraception Act now!
The ACLU protects individuals’ right to make informed decisions free from government interference about whether and when to become a parent, and to be given access to the full range of reproductive health
A coalition committed to moving policies which ensure that the rights and dignity of every Coloradan are protected. We work to reduce stigma and shift the dynamic of the conversation about reproductive health care and abortion in order to push back on politically motivated attacks, normalize the need for reproductive health care, ensure respect for those who provide and seek abortion, and center the stories and needs of marginalized people and underserved communities.
Currently, in 36 states, if a young person wants to get an abortion, they are required by law to involve a parent in that decision. There is a legal process called judicial bypass that allows young people to get the abortion they want without having to involve a parent.
The mission of Choose When is to provide access to long-acting reversible contraception, (LARC) through advocacy, education and funding, for women in Colorado who could not otherwise afford it.
The leading voice for young people in Colorado politics
Important elections in 2023, from school boards to mayors to ballot measures, so we’re counting on you to weed out the bad candidates and blaze a trail to win the midterms.
Focused on empowering a network of pro-democracy voting women- across the political spectrum - to vote with their values, not along party lines
Our democracy depends on ordinary people who make sure every election runs smoothly and everyone's vote is counted—people like you.